Thursday 22 September 2011

Burts Bees Tinted Lip Balm

After a short break from blogging, due to working my bum off at my new job, I'm back with a permanent contract of work and more money to spend on products I don't need!

I mentioned in my post about  my favourite lip balms,  that Burts Bees lip balm is a truly wonderful, and in my opinion, essential beauty item, and I was hugely impatient for the release of the tinted version! On a recent visit to Cardiff, in their gigantic Boots store, I went searching like a mad woman I stumbled upon this finally, in the Tiger Lily variety.

Now, I've been using it for a couple of weeks now, almost a month. I've had a lot of time to use it and analyse my thoughts, and come to a conclusion. It's not impressed me as much as the incredible originals. 

What it says it is/does:

  • Conditions,cares and moisturises your lips - It's not as quick and effective as the originals, but this is true. You have to use it a couple of times and not expect immediate effects, but it does work. If your lips are in need of intense rescue, I wouldn't recommend this for a quick fix. 
  • Gives you a hint of colour, with a soft, sweet flavour and natural ingredients - Well, one of the main reasons I dislike this tinted variety more than the previous ones I've used, is the tinted colour gives you a bit of a lipstick-like cover on your lips, which I don't like. It makes me feel a bit like Joan Collins. 
Also, I chose the Tiger Lily one as it comes under the 'neutral' category, as I haven't yet felt the urge to go all   Jessica Rabbit and get some sexy red lipstick, and it's just not as neutral as I would have hoped. It's more of a dirty taupe colour, not at all sweet and feminine mixed with my skin colour. 

Sadly, this cannot be achieved via tinted lip balm alone.

The smell also isn't fantastic. It's very commercial and manufactured, and yet again, even stinks a tad of lipstick. The texture of it is also very creamy and just crosses the line of bearable and unbearable. Imagine sitting down one day, and oh, Hollyoaks omnibus is on telly, brilliant. Couple of hours later, stand up, and you've been sat on your lipstick all this time. Now think about what kind of textured slop that's going to be in. This is quite similar to that sad mental image.

However, I won't bash its abilities completely. It does work as a basic lip balm. There are 5 other colours to choose from, so if you enjoy tinted lip balms and lipsticks, and you want a product that's 100% natural ingredients, this may be up your street more than it is mine.

And, to be honest, the packaging is extremely pretty and professional for a lip balm!
