Friday 17 June 2011

No7 Colour Calming Primer

Firstly, can I apologise for the bad photographs in this review this morning? It's early in Sophie time, and not a fantastic sunny morning :( Ok, this product is one that I am fiercely loyal to. I must emphasize the word 'fiercely' as I've used this product now 5 times consecutively, and each tube lasts me about 5/6 months, so I've been re-purchasing this product for at least 2 years. My skin is an annoying plateau between pale and olive, so when I wake up I'm a horrendous victim to redness and uneven skin tone.

It claims to be a primer, but in all honestly, I've never really used it as a main primer. As this product has been a main contender in my make up regime for years, it's seen a lot of changes. Nowadays, I will use a proper primer (see Witch Anti Blemish Primer below) then apply this, then apply my foundation. Seem a lot to you? It honestly depends on what products you must,must,must use in your make up application. For a less heavy feel, try mixing it in with your moisturiser/primer, or mixing it with your foundation. It's really a case of trial and error.

It's currently £11 in Boots, but I always buy it with the £5 off No7 voucher, which appears several times a year. No7 is exclusive to Boots, so you won't find it anywhere else. (If you do, do not hesitate to contact me) .
Here are some before and after shots, as modelled by my face:

I'll give you a couple of minutes to make jokes about my face, then ask if you see a difference?

Thing it says it is/does:

  • Beautifully soft to apply - True. It's very slick and creamy. Not too thick, but not runny either. You don't need a lot though remember, just a little bit at a time, then apply more if you need to. Otherwise you will end up looking like Shrek.
  • Easily blendable - Like I said, yes, but if you're mixing it with other products, you need to just have a go with it and see what happens. Some moisturisers are a pain in the neck to blend with this, so stick to a moisturiser with the same consistency for optimal results. I recommend Philosophy Pure Grace Body Lotion.
  • Neutralises/conceals redness - Well I can definitely agree with this, but you'll have to judge from the photos/try it yourself!
  • Soothing and non-drying - True. Doesn't harm your skin at all.
  • Contains Vitamins A and E to condition and revitalise skin - Yay!
  • Contains Liquorice Extract to help soothe skin - Ok, a bit weird, but it works!
  • Non-pore blocking - I can't actually say I know if this is true, as I use a pore-reducing face mask regularly anyway, but after 2 years of using, I don't think my pores have ever looked bad!
  • Hypo-allergenic - Just when you thought it couldn't get better! Isn't this product just your best friend?! Most No7 products are hypo-allergenic anyway, so you can rely on them if you have skin that can't deal with anything less than super-sensitive products.
So to summarise, this is an utterly fabulous product. I simply can't big it up enough, it's by far my most favourite facial beauty product ever! But I will point out that it really is ideal for pale/olive skin tones that are prone to redness, but it has a sister product that is aimed at giving your skin a boost if you're prone to yellow/dull skin, you'll find it here.


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